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Prayer and Carols - Women's Event

This is the season for feasting and gratitude, merriment and family, gift giving and tradition. As the century old welsh tune says, ‘tis the season to be jolly’ or more recently ‘it’s the most wonderful time of the year!’. On November 9th, as I look at the next 8 weeks, I want to be hopeful that this holiday season will be jolly and wonderful. I want to be hopeful that I will strike the perfect balance of preparation and presence. I want to be hopeful that I will commune deeply with Jesus as I remember His birth, and be faithful to lead my family and friends to do the same. I want to be hopeful that gift giving will be a joy, and all the festivities a delight.  I want to be hopeful that this year could be THE year I learn to abide and worship, rest and enjoy at Christmas time. But, somewhere, maybe everywhere, I feel mighty efforts to extinguish this hope. Am I the only one?

I think the enemy must take special delight in wreaking havoc in the hearts of God’s children in November and December. Distraction, busyness, relational discord, exhaustion, anxiety, guilt...I think he loves it.

But, there is One greater whose name is Love. We have a faithful Lover of our souls that sympathizes with our weaknesses, and has made a way out for us. The good news is that our eternal value is not dependent on the next eight weeks!  According to His faithfulness and abundant love, God gave his Son, at great cost to himself, to secure our value and place with Him forever. And He gives more grace, His Spirit, so we may have everything we need for life and godliness. There is love never ending, joy forevermore, grace for our failures, rest for our souls, and strength through His Spirit. Let's revel in these truths. Let's do it together!

On Friday, December 3rd, join the wonderful women of City Church for a night of merriment! Come and be encouraged by God's Word, through prayer, and singing!

Earlier Event: November 17
Later Event: December 10
Hearth and Hymn - Men's Event