Daily Bible Readings 2021-22



As we pursue a revival of joyful worship, we are placing our trust in God's sure Word to guide us. God describes His book in various ways, as water, as food, as light, and He says it is more to be desired than riches. The Bible is both a glimpse at the vaults of Heaven and is itself a map to them. As we enter 2022, there is nothing better we could encourage you toward than God's life-giving Word. For that reason, we are continuing the journey through the Bible and we are eager for you to accompany us. Come and explore the mines and mountaintops of God's story of redemption. Join Adam in the garden, witness the Exodus miracles, advance with Israel in the conquering of Canaan, mourn with the prophet as he wails in ashes, ride with the King as He crushes the dragon, and march with the Apostles in their conquest of the world. God's Word is not a textbook, it is a masterful account of God's holy rescue mission. Come and drink deeply from its fountains, warm yourself by its blaze, and feast in its banqueting hall. The reading is simple; the reward is abundant!

2022 Reading Card


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2021 Reading Cards

Reading PlanLiz Rech