Bonus: Accountability

Discipleship Group Guide

Scripture: Colossians 3

Read Colossians 3 aloud, and take turns sharing your answers to the following questions:

  • How has your mind been set on the things above this week? Do you have a worshipful thought or something from your bible reading to share?

  • Empowered by the Spirit, what have you been putting off? What have you been putting on? Is there sin that needs to be confessed or fruit to praise God for?

  • How are the relationships closest to you? E.g. your spouse, children, and co-workers. Are there any opportunities for the gospel we can pray for or burdens we can bear together? Or are there needs for accountability that we can participate in?

Pray together: Take turns praying for each other. Adore God, who is changing us from one degree of glory to the next. Give thanks for the ways he is working in each person. Considering the good news of the gospel, confess sin and submit any needs to the One who loves and cares.

City Church