January 4-8, 2021

Ice Breaker: What’s your favorite place/home you have ever lived?  Describe why.

Knowing God:

Read - James 1 

  1.  What does this text reveal to you about God? 

  2. What connections do you see between facing trials (1:2-18) and bridling our tongues and being doers of the word (1:19-26)?  

  3. Is the order of these two sections helpful?  Why or why not?

[James shows our failure in the midst of trial comes from not understanding how God works (wisdom) or who we are. The wealthy have their trials and the poor have theirs. The poor ought to receive their trials like a promotion, coming closer to Jesus; the wealthy ought to receive theirs with a slice of humble pie. God is the God of both.]

Knowing Self: 

James seeks to protect his readers from believing lies when facing trials; he tells them, God doesn’t tempt (v13), He only gives good things (v17). 

  1. What lies does culture spread about our trials? 
    What lies are you tempted to believe when facing a trial?

  2. To fight these lies, what truths do Christians need while in the midst of trials and difficulties? 


Group Response: select one response from below (or another response prompted by the Holy Spirit)

  • Read the lyrics of When Trials Come  or sing together When Trials Come by Keith and Kristyn Getty (Awkwardness during group singing is okay)

  • Share the trials you’re facing and pray for each other’s growth and steadfastness.

Personal Response - select one response from the group below (or another response prompted by the Holy Spirit)

  • Think about where you’ve been comfortable being a hearer of the word and not a doer. Confess that to God. Share it with someone from your group

  • Caring for the lowly in the midst of distress is true religion. Ask God for opportunities to do that this week.  Do you know anyone who needs this care? 

Outward Response

  • James teaches that God uses our trials to produce steadfastness. 
    James 1:2-3. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

  • Who needs to hear this truth from you this week?


Liz Rech