January 11-15, 2021

Ice Breaker: Describe your favorite types of people to spend time with.

Knowing Self      

Read - James 2           

On the basis of faith, James instructs believers to show no partiality toward other humans.

  1. Are we naturally partial towards others? Why?  If so, in what way(s)?

  2. Where have you witnessed or experienced partiality? How did it make you feel when you noticed this preferential treatment?

Knowing God

  1. Why is God impartial toward all people? (Luke 20:21, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:9-11)

  2. What connection can you find between the teaching on impartiality (2:1-13) and the teaching on faith and works (2:14-26)?

  3. How do the actions of Abraham and Rahab encourage you to persevere in your faith?

James teaches that Christian actions (works) flow from faith.  Christian actions can be observed in one who has faith, rather than the misperception that an abundance of Christian actions produces faith.  

Knowing How to Respond

Group - Verse 13 says “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” Share where God has shown mercy to you. Pray and give thanks to God for His mercy.

Personally - How have you been partial towards others this week? Confess that to God and to another group member.

Outwardly (outside of group) - Has partiality made you avoid spiritual discussions with anyone? Who are they? Confess that to God and share it with someone from the group. Pray for opportunities this week to boldly share the gospel where sin has prevented you in the past. 

Bonus material: Here’s a brief article on James 2 and how faith and works are related, but not in conflict. 

Liz Rech