Week of July 17, 2022

Discipleship Group Guide

Join us for our SING event this Wednesday, July 20th from 6-7pm at the Marty Leonard Chapel.

This event is full of song and worship and is one way we are pursuing a revival of joyful worship at City Church!

*We usually don’t provide a DG guide on SING weeks to encourage our groups to attend without adding another event, but these verses are significant. If your DG chooses to still meet this week, please use the guide below. If your group doesn’t meet this week, no worries at all.

Scripture: 1 John 3:11-24

  • Open with prayer

  • How would you summarize these verses in your own words?

  • In verse 11, John goes back to the beginning again. Why do you think he keeps relating things back to the beginning?

  • John uses familial language (children, brother, and fellowship) nearly three dozen times throughout the letter. Why do you think this is so significant to him?

  • John seems to be saying that works reassure our hearts (v14, v19, and v24). Likewise, evil works should give us concern (v15). Explain the connection between faith and work.

  • In what sense is it good to be hated? Why should people hate you? How does this clash with our cultural sensitivities and desire to be well liked? How can we make sure we’re hated for the right reasons?

  • Under the old covenant, God’s people gained victory by destroying foreign enemies; in the new covenant, Jesus taught us to gain victory by being destroyed. In what areas of your life does this pattern of faith need to take root and become evident?

  • How do these verses help you worship and follow Jesus?

  • Close with prayer

City Church