June 28-July 2, 2021

City Church Discipleship Group Guide

Bible Reading- Haggai 1:1-11

Know God

  1. In 1:8 God encourages the people to rebuild the temple that is in ruins, so He can take pleasure in the temple and be glorified.  The New Testament (1 Corinthians 3:16) teaches we have become God’s temple because His Spirit dwells in believers. How is God glorified by believers' lives now?

  2. What was God after in requiring a physical temple? Has that desire changed today? In what ways should believers be “temple builders”?

Know Ourselves

  1. In verse 1:6, the Lord (through the prophet Haggai) reveals to the people that their food, drink, clothes and money don’t satisfy their souls.  How have you been disappointed by earthly possessions?  Why are earthly possessions so disappointing?

  2. In verse 1:9, it says that while the Lord’s house has laid in ruins, the people have busied themselves with their own houses. What are the things you busy yourself with? Does it bring God glory? Are there ways to “busy” ourselves while still honoring the Lord? 

Know How to Respond

As a Group - What does living as a holy temple of God mean for you in the week ahead?  Share with the group and ask God to build one another into that.

City Church