May 17-21, 2021

City Church Discipleship Group Guide

Bible Reading- 2 Timothy 4

Know God

  1. (Vs 1) Jesus is the judge of the living and the dead.  Is that truth comforting or discomforting? Why?  How can we rejoice and worship Jesus for his righteous judgement? 

  2. God will give a crown of righteousness to all who love Christ’s appearing (v8). What’s the significance of a crown? How does this shape our understanding of God? 

Know Ourselves

  1. In verse 3, Paul tells Timothy to expect people not to listen to sound teaching because of their “itching ears”. What does that mean? Where do you see examples of this in your own life? What things cause your ears to “itch”? What helps you avoid scratching that itch? 

  2. In verses 6-7 Paul describes his ministry as being poured out like a drink offering, fighting a good fight, and finishing a race. How would you describe your Christian life? How do things look from your view, are there hurdles quickly approaching, or did you just trip over one and need to get back up? Are you encouraged by where you’re at or discouraged? Why? 

Know How to Respond

As a Group: Over the last several months, we’ve studied James, 1 Timothy, and 2 Timothy. Give thanks to God for these letters and ask Him to use them to mature us and our church. 

City Church