November 28-December 4, 2021

Discipleship Group Guide

Read- Galatians 5:7-15

Know the Word

  1. How does this text point to the gospel and in what ways should it lead us to love Jesus more?

  2. How are law and freedom connected in this text? How does this impact Christian life?

Know Ourselves

  1. In the Bible there is good leaven (Matthew 13:33) and bad leaven (Matthew 16:6-12) A little leaven is enough to work its way through an entire lump of dough. One way or another we will all be entirely leavened, either with the leaven of the Kingdom or the leaven of malice and evil (1 Corinthians 5:7-8). Paul instructs the Corinthians to “cleanse out the old leaven”. Are there areas where old leaven still needs to be cleansed from your life? If so, what are they? What will help you cleanse out the old leaven?

  2. Though there may be old leaven to cleanse, God says that if you are in Christ, you are already unleavened. The point is not to remain unleavened but to celebrate the unleavening (the removal of sin) that Christ accomplished. Christ unleavened you so that He can take you to the Promise Land, where the leaven of the Kingdom will work its way through you. What might that Kingdom leaven look like, how can you pursue it now?

Know How to Respond

As a group - This text instructs us to serve one another in love and to avoid biting and devouring one another. Spend time thanking God for the ways He served us in Christ, even though we sought to bite and devour His Son. Then spend time asking God to make us courageous to serve like Jesus even when others might bite and devour us.

City Church