November 7-13, 2021

Discipleship Group Guide

Read- Galatians 4:12-20 

Know the Word

  1. Verse 12 is very interesting, Paul (a Jew) is entreating the Galatians (gentiles) to become as he is because he’s become as they are. What do you think Paul is getting at?

  2. What characteristics of blessedness do you see in this passage? Why would this be characteristic of a blessed person, and how does our culture confuse what it means to be blessed?

Know Ourselves

  1. Has there been a time in your life when your story was like the Galatians’, moving from ‘on fire’ to doubting? If so, what brought you out of it? If you’re still in it, what do you think it will take to bring you out of it?

  2. The Galatians’ blessedness turned from a willingness to give (v15) into a desire to get (v17), because they began following a false gospel (1:6-7). Why do false gospels have this effect? What temptations do you face that make you think more about what you can get instead of what you can give?

Know How to Respond

As a group - In this passage, Paul is deeply concerned for the Galatians. He’s pleading with them to remember what it was like when they first received the gospel. Are there people in your life that you are concerned for, people that you’d like to see remember what it was like when they learned about Jesus? Who are they? Pray for those people in your group.

City Church