September 20-24, 2021

Discipleship Group Guide

We took a break from Galatians on Sunday to discuss grief and hope from the Gospel of John, chapter 11:32-44. Our church family has entered into a season of grief. Not everyone knew Sterling or was close to him, but as a body we are one and when one part hurts, the whole body feels it. As a family with different backgrounds and experiences, it is expected that we grieve and support differently. That's ok. Use your group time this week to do a group check up. How is everyone? Take the time to grieve together and then spend time praying for one another. Pray also for Stephanie - pray for the Spirit to bring comfort, pray that she'd have a flood of support, pray for trust and steadfastness in the Lord. Pray for Sterling and Stephanie's family, pray or hope and confidence in the gospel. Take time to give thanks for the years God blessed us and our church with Sterling's ministry and witness. Pray for City Church, pray that we'd become more dependent on the Lord because we've walked through this, and that we'd grow closer as a body because of our shared grief. Pray for joy because Sterling was a joy and God blessed us with him. Ask the Lord to use our hope in the midst of grief as a means of opening others' eyes to the good news of Jesus. Lastly, spend time giving thanks to God for sending Jesus who conquered sin and has given us eternal hope and has given Sterling eternal peace.

City Church