September 27-October 1, 2021

City Church Discipleship Group Guide

Read- Galatians 3:1-5

Know the Word

  1. What is the attitude/tone of this text? Why does Paul write this way?   

  2. Paul moves from salvation, receiving the Spirit, in verse 2 to sanctification, being perfected by the Spirit, in verse 3. What is Paul’s point to the Galatians? How does this impact your view of sanctification? 

Know Ourselves

  1. What difference does it make that a man died on the cross 2000 years ago as to how you live today?

  2. Moralism or legalism easily creeps into our view of ourselves and God. These -isms lie to you and tempt you to believe that if you just do the right thing then God will love and accept you. What legalistic or moralistic lie are you believing?

  3. Lies enslave, truth sets free. What gospel truth do you need to be reminded of to fight this lie? 

Know How to Respond

As a group - Spend time praying for your group that you’d each be able to fight those lies with the truth. Pray for our church that we’d recognize the bitterness of sin so that the sweetness of Christ would be cherished and pursued.

City Church