September 6-10, 2021

Discipleship Group Guide

Read- Galatians 2:11-16

Know the Word

  1. Why do you think Paul shares this story?   

  2. Why were Peter’s actions “out of step with the truth of the gospel”?  

Know Ourselves

  1. Justification by faith alone is both comforting and challenging. It’s comforting because its emphasis is on the finished work of Jesus. It’s challenging because we want to be able to look at something (a work) to make us feel secure. Do you feel this struggle? How do you wrestle through it? 

  2. In this text fear is the enemy. What things do you fear that could lead you to “conduct that is out of step with the truth of the gospel”? Why is the gospel a better alternative to your fears, and what promises do you have in the gospel that address your fears? 

Know How to Respond

As a group - Have each person answer the following question, What step(s) of obedience do you need to take in light of this text? 

City Church