This Week in Kid City | April 6

Hi Kid City!

This week we will continue to learn about how Jesus is forever faithful! Jesus trusts God to carry out the plan He created from the beginning to rescue his people by dying on the cross and raising from the grave! This week as we see Jesus’ great sacrifice and prepare our hearts to celebrate his resurrection, I pray together we can remember his faithfulness to us in every moment.

Below is a list of activities that you can engage your little one throughout the week. It will also be posted to Instagram (@fwcitychurchkids) and Facebook (City Church Kids).

Sunday: Read with us – “A Dark Night in the Garden” in the Jesus Storybook Bible, page 294

Main Truth: Jesus is forever faithful

Bible Verse: “Be still and know that I am God” – Psalm 46:10

Link to full lesson here:

Monday: Prayer Activity – In the story, “A Dark Night in the Garden” we see Jesus praying in the garden to God the Father. On page 296 the story says that Jesus was quiet like a lamb as he prayed to God.

Let’s pray to God just like Jesus did in the garden. Ask your little one, what makes them sad or breaks their heart? Just like Jesus prayed to God the Father in the garden, let’s bring our thoughts and heartaches to God and ask him for help, just like Jesus did.

Activity: Finger paint lamb


  • Cut out 4 strips of black construction paper (these will be the legs of the lamb) and glue them on your piece of paper

  • Use white finger paint to create the lamb’s wool. Bigger kids may want to do this themselves, younger kiddos may need parents help

  • Cut out a head and tail and glue to your sheep

  • Add googly eyes if you have them on hand!

  • Write this week’s bible verse on your artwork to remind us to “Be Still and Know that I Am God” –Psalm 46:10

Tuesday: Activity – Toy Bath


  • Use washable paint or mud to cover toys

  • Get a bucket of water and soap and have your little one clean their toys

  • As they clean their toys remind them that Jesus came and died to clean our hearts from sin

Wednesday: Sing & Dance – He’s got the Whole World in His Hands

Link to song:

Thursday: Love your neighbor: Face Time a friend & ask how you can be praying for them

Friday: Memory Verse – “Be still and know that I am God” – Psalm 46:10

“Be still” – extend arms out to the side

“and know” – point to head

“that I am” – point to the sky

“God” – point to the sky

Read with us: “The Sun Stops Shining” In the Jesus Storybook Bible, pg 302

Activity: Take a walk outside and look for 2 sticks. With twine, yarn or string, attach the sticks together to form a cross. Let’s remember that Jesus is forever faithful to God and to us by saving us and rescuing so that we can have a right relationship with God!

Saturday: Prepare for Easter Sunday:

Art Activity (you can set this activity up to do while you watch the sermon on Sunday)


  • Adult draw a wall with a arched empty tomb on a sheet of paper

  • With a white crayon write “Jesus is Alive” in the middle of the arched empty tomb

  • Set your child up with water colors to color the inside of the empty tomb

  • When the tomb has been completely colored in, they will see the message of the Good News, “Jesus is Alive!”

City Church