This Week in Kid City | April 13

Hi Kid City!

Today we learned that Jesus is ALIVE! He lived a perfect life, died on the cross and in three days he rose again! Through Jesus’ sacrifice we get to live with him FOREVER!

This week, let’s continue to celebrate the gift of his life and remember that when he rose, God began to make all of the sad things come untrue.

Below is a list of activities that you can engage your little one throughout the week. It will also be posted to Instagram (@fwcitychurchkids) and Facebook (City Church Kids).

Read With Us– “God’s Wonderful Surprise” in the Jesus Storybook Bible, page 310

Main Truth: Jesus is ALIVE!

Bible Verse: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” – Romans 10:13

Link to full lesson here:

Prayer Activity– Last week we learned that Jesus was buried in a tomb and the tomb was sealed shut with a large rock. But miraculously, in just three days, the rock was rolled away and Jesus ROSE from the grave! 

Today let’s paint a prayer rock! Let this rock be a reminder of God’s greatest gift to us, that Jesus is ALIVE! Throughout the day we pray that it would prompt you to pray and invite God into your day with whatever may be going on.


-Go outside and let your little one find a rock

-Paint it

-Once it is dry write PRAY on the rock

Allow this little rock to be a reminder to your little one and to your whole family that we can pray to God throughout the day, he is always with us and listening because he is ALIVE!

Activity– Cotton ball & Clothespin Painting

-Write our bible verse for the week on a piece of paper
-Clip clothespin around cotton ball
-Dip cotton ball into paint
-Create a picture around bible verse
-Remember the JOY we have in Jesus because He is ALIVE

Sing & Dance– Tell them all the little Children

Link to video:

Love Your Neighbor- Sidewalk art

This week let’s encourage our neighbors by drawing a picture or write encouraging words on our sidewalk 

MemoryVerse– “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” – Romans 10:13

Hand Motions:

Everyone – start both hands in the center of your body and sweep them out and around in a circular motion

Who calls – hands around mouth leaning left

On the name – hands around mouth leaning right 

Of the Lord – point up

Will be saved – cross arms around body like a hug

City Church