This Week in Kid City | August 24

Hi Kid City!

This week we talked about how Jesus is our Rescuer!! God knew from the very beginning that we would need someone to rescue us from our sin, which separates us from God. God sent his son Jesus to live a perfect life, die on the cross and buried in a tomb. After three days, he rose! He came back to life! Because Jesus died and came back to life, he took away all of our sin and the brokenness in the world so that when we put our faith in him, we get to be a part of God’s forever family!! 

Below is a list of activities that you can engage your little one throughout the week. It will also be posted to Instagram (@fwcitychurchkids) and Facebook (City Church Kids). 

Main Truth: Jesus is our Rescuer

Bible Verse: “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might” – Deuteronomy 6:5

Coloring Sheets – Attached

Activity – This week, let’s remember the sacrifice that Jesus made so that we can be a part of God’s forever family. Let your little one paint or color a couple of popsicle sticks. Adhere the popsicle sticks with hot glue or some twine to form a cross. Remind your little one that Jesus came as a baby, he lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, was buried in the tomb, and after 3 days, He rose! Jesus came back to life to save us from our sin and heal all of the brokenness in the world. Remind them that when we put our faith in Jesus, we get to be a part of God’s forever family – and that is good news!!!

Memory Verse – “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might” – Deuteronomy 6:5

Love – put your hand over your heart

The Lord your God – point up to the sky

With all of your heart – put your hands over your heart

With all of your soul – wrap your arms around you like a hug

And with all of your might – strong arms

Liz Rech