This Week in Kid City | September 14

One way that we want to equip parents to lay a foundation of joyful worship in the lives of their children is to think about ways to play, pray, and preach the good news with your kids every week! 

Over the next 6 weeks we are going to spend time memorizing Psalm 23. We want to hide God’s word in our hearts so that we can always call on it in our minds! This week we will start with verse 1, “The Lord is my shepherd, I have what I need” (CSB). 

Ask your children what a sheep says, have them pretend to be sheep, or draw a picture of a sheep. Practice this verse as a family and repeat it together often (maybe during breakfast or dinner or a time when everyone is gathered together). Have your kiddos try whispering it, or shouting it or using a silly voice!

Remind your kids that when we pray we get to tell God what we are excited about, what we are scared about, what we are happy about, and what we are worried about. We get to be honest with God. Take time to pray through this verse with your kids at meals and at bedtime. 

Talk about the truth of this verse – if God is our shepherd, what does that make us? His sheep! Just like a shepherd takes care of his sheep, provides for his sheep, and loves his sheep, God does the same for us! Jesus tells us that He is the Good Shepherd. He laid down His life so our relationship with God could be healed. 1st Peter says Jesus is the Great Shepherd. There is nothing greater than Him so we don't have to worry about someone or something coming between us and God. Speak these truths in your home and to your own heart this week.

Liz Rech