This Week in Kid City | September 21

As we continue to memorize Psalm 23, we want to continue to think about ways to play, pray and preach the good news with our children every day! 

This week we are memorizing Psalm 23:2 (CSB)

Verse 1:

The Lord is my shepherd; I have what I need.

Verse 2:

He lets me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters.

Pack a picnic lunch or snack and play outside with your little one! As you sit and eat, talk about Psalm 23:2. Remind them that the shepherd knew how to take care of his sheep by leading them to green pastures and quiet waters. God also takes care of us by knowing exactly what we need every moment of our lives! 

Keep practicing verse 1 & 2 this week! Inconsistent consistency is key! It may be hard to remember to repeat it everyday but when it becomes a priority and we remember to practice together as a family, it makes it fun for everyone. Try to say it together at mealtimes or before bed. You can repeat it all together or take turns as a family!

As you continue to repeat this verse in your home, remember to take time to pray and talk to God together with your children. Throughout the week as you see God providing for you, your little ones, and your family, stop to pray with your children! Remind them that God cares for them, just like the shepherd cares for his sheep. They can talk to God anytime of day and thank him for providing for and taking care of them!

The shepherd takes care of his sheep. He provides for them because he knows exactly what they need. God does the same for us. He wants to comfort us, take care of us and provide for us. God knows what is best for us even when we do not know what is best for ourselves! All we have to do is trust and follow God because he loves us!

Liz Rech