We believe part of our mission of trusting God’s word to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ in truth, hope, and steadfastness includes applying the wisdom from Scripture to one another’s lives.  We recognize there will be times of more intense suffering and struggle, and the church is called to bear burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2).

Care & Counsel at City Church is born out of a desire to bring Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection to bear on the hurting and afflicted.  We know that our suffering on this side of eternity comes from a broken world, the sins we’ve committed, or the sins committed against us.  As we desire more and more to grow into the image of Jesus Christ, Counsel & Care at City Church is a specific way we can have the gospel speak effectively to our sins and sufferings.

What to Expect

  • City Church desires to equip all members in knowing how to wisely love others with the gospel in times of ongoing sin and suffering.

  • We see this as an important part of discipleship within the church and a growing ministry to those outside the church.

  • God, in His grace, has given City Church several leaders in the area of Care & Counsel, several of whom have biblical counseling certifications and/or degrees.

  • These leaders stand ready to connect with anyone who needs help with a particular struggle in their life.

  • By filling out the “Talk to Someone” form below, we will be able to best direct you to one of our leaders or one of our pastors.

  • After an initial conversation or meeting, a leader or pastor will be able to recommend the best path forward for continued care.

  • We also pray that other brothers and sisters in Christ will be able to walk alongside you as an advocate and support during seasons of focused care and counsel.

Talk to Someone

Thank you for requesting Care & Counsel at City Church. The information in this form is confidential and will only be viewed by specific leaders in this ministry. This questionnaire will assist us in getting you connected with the most appropriate resources to address your individual needs. Please fill it out prayerfully and to the best of your knowledge. 
