Everyone worships something. Through Jesus, our worship is restored and our identity forever changed. We have become sons and daughters of God and citizens of an everlasting Kingdom. Don’t settle for lesser joys or little kingdoms.

We know that ultimately God is leading all of His people to the vision He tells us about in Revelation 21 — a new heaven, a new earth, and a new city where God dwells with His people, where there are no more tears, no more pain, no more death, no more of any of the things that sin has broken in this world. That is God’s dream for us and we are confident it will one day come true. Until then, and specifically over the next five years, we believe God is leading us to a revival of joyful worship that advances His Kingdom in every generation. 

Revival of Joyful Worship

Revival is not something we can manufacture, but it is something that the Spirit of God has brought to churches (and oftentimes huge groups of churches) frequently over the course of history. We are longing for the Spirit to work in our church in a way that every person in our community is experiencing the fullness of joy that Jesus offers. This joy is everlasting and will lead us to fulfill the purpose for which God created us, to trust and treasure Him above all else.

Advancing God’s Kingdom in Every Generation

We want to see our community become a conduit of God’s love and grace in every generation around us. The gospel that fuels our worship is not restricted to one kind of person. The gospel is the power of salvation for everyone! We are working to find ways to invite kids, empty nesters, college students, young families, and everyone in between to know and follow Jesus.

How? The path to revival is not a new one. It is the path of discipleship with Jesus. We are helping one another walk that path and inviting everyone around us to join it. To help one another grow as disciples, we are focused on two things: