April 12-16, 2021

City Church Discipleship Group Guide 

Bible Reading- 2 Timothy 1

Know God

  1. Restate verses 8-9 in your own words. What is the connection between suffering, the holy calling, and God’s purpose and grace?

  2. Paul tells Timothy in verse 14 to “guard the good deposit.” What does this mean and what does it look like to guard it?

Know Ourselves

  1. In verse 6, Paul instructs Timothy to fan God’s gift into a flame; the antithesis of this is fear. “Fear”, in verse 7, implies cowardice, someone who runs from a battle. Paul is telling Timothy not to run from the fire but to build it. Where do you need the same encouragement? What opportunities or gifts has God given you that should be fanned into flame but are currently being suppressed by fear? 

  2. In this chapter and in many of his writings and testimonies in Acts, Paul talks a lot about shame and a clear conscience. What is causing you shame and/or weighing heavy on your conscience? How are those things addressed by the light of the gospel (v10)?

Know How to Respond

As a Group - Discuss what obedience to this text looks like. How can each group member respond to this text this week? Pray for the group’s faithfulness and obedience.

City Church