Week of August 28, 2022

Discipleship Group Guide

Scripture: 3 John

  • Open with prayer

  • How would you summarize the text in your own words?

  • Make some observations about this letter. What sticks out to you?

  • Where in the letter does John use the words “testified” and “testimony”? Who is testifying to whom? What kind of testimony do you hope others would give about you and about City Church? How could you help make that a reality?

  • In his letters and in his gospel, John focuses a lot on love and truth. Where does he do that in this letter? Why do you think he does this so often?

  • Consider John’s approach to Diotrephes. What do you notice?

  • Where do you need to put verse 11a into practice?

  • What do you think the last clause of verse 11 means? Consider John 1:18, 1 John 4:12, and 1 John 3:6.

  • What does this letter teach us about friendship?

  • How do these verses help you worship and follow Jesus?

City Church