Week of August 7, 2022

Discipleship Group Guide

Scripture: 1 John 5:1-12

  • Open with prayer

  • How would you summarize these verses in your own words?

  • What commandments is John talking about in verses 2 and 3?

  • What does it mean to overcome, and what does it mean that our faith overcomes the world? 

  • In what way do you want to see your faith overcome the world? 

  • What’s the significance of the three that testify (v7-8)? What were the Father and the Spirit doing at Christ’s baptism (water) and Christ’s crucifixion (blood)? 

  • What other images do water and blood conjure up? How might these be related?

  • What do you think it means to have the testimony of God within yourself (v10)? 

  • Since Christians are united to Jesus, and have the testimony of Jesus within themselves, and even have the son (v12), what relationship do Christians also have with the Father and the Spirit? How is the testimony not just something you believe but something that speaks for you?

  • How do these verses help you worship and follow Jesus? 

  • Close with prayer

City Church