February 15-19, 2021

Discipleship Group Guide - James 4

Ice Breaker: (These questions are to help kickstart a conversation and create opportunities to get to know one another better. Use them as they’re helpful). What is something that you dislike that most people seem to like, or what is something you like that most people seem to dislike?

Knowing Self       

Bible Reading- James 5

  1. James has some hard and sobering words in this chapter, which verse(s) are hardest for you? Why?

  2. James tells us to endure our circumstances with patience. In what circumstances do you find yourself being impatient? Where do you need God to grant you patience?

Knowing God

  1. James teaches about steadfast patience in suffering (7-11) and then prayer in 13-18.  How are steadfast patience in suffering and prayer related to one another?

  2. How is God glorified when we pray to him?

Knowing How to Respond

Group Response: In vv 13-15, James lists different occasions when prayer and praise are the appropriate response.  What are those occasions? Who in the group needs prayer and for what should the group give praise? Offer those prayers and praises to God.
Personal Response: James says the prayer of a righteous person has great power. Is there anything you've been afraid to pray or refused to pray? Where do you want to see God exercise great power? Confess to God the reasons you haven't prayed and then ask Him to show His great power in specific areas.

Outward Response: Pray for someone who isn’t a Christian and let them know you have prayed for them.

City Church