February 22-26, 2021

Discipleship Group Guide - 1 Timothy 1

Ice Breaker: (These questions are to help kickstart a conversation and create opportunities to get to know one another better. Use them as they’re helpful). What topic could you give a 20 minutes presentation on without any preparation?

Knowing Self 

Bible Reading - 1Timothy 1

  1. Paul urged Timothy to correct others’ teaching for the purpose of love (v3-5). Do you trust others to correct you in love? How do you normally respond when corrected?

  2. Following many failings, Paul received mercy because God wanted to display His perfect patience in him (v16). What characteristic do you think God was displaying through His mercy toward you?

Knowing God

  1. In verses 3 and 10, Paul insists on pure doctrine. What doctrine of God would you like to know more about? What would you like to understand better about God?

  2. There are a couple warnings in this chapter about guarding your faith (v6&19). Where is your faith most vulnerable and how does the gospel strengthen it?

Knowing How to Respond

Group Response: In verse 17, Paul erupted into praise after thinking about how kind God had been to him. Take time to praise God together for specific ways He blessed you this week. You could praise Him with a song, or with a psalm, or with a prayer. 

Personal Response: In verse 7 we learn that false teachers have a habit of making confident assertions about things they don’t understand. This is a form of pride and deceit. Acknowledge to God where you have done this and repent of it. 

Outward Response: Christ came into the world to save sinners (v15), share this truth with someone this week. 

City Church