March 22-26, 2021

City Church Discipleship Group Guide

Ice Breaker: What skill or talent would you most like to learn?

Know God

Bible Reading- 1 Timothy 4

[Paul contrasts godliness and truth found in the church (1Tim. 3:14-16) with lies and deceit (1 Tim. 4:1-3).]

Know God

  1. What do Timothy’s instructions in this chapter tell us about God?

  2. What promise(s) does godliness hold (v8)? How are the promise(s) apprehended? (Hint: verse 10) How is verse 10 not an encouragement toward works righteousness? 

Know Ourselves

  1. Verse 8 talks about bodily discipline and godliness.  Why do you think we naturally tend toward bodily discipline rather than investing our time in godly disciplines? What lies are you believing when you invest your time that way?

  2. Paul commands Timothy to be an example to the other believers (v12). In what area would you feel most and least ready to set an example for other believers?


Know How to Respond:

As a Group - Read Psalm 145:8-13 responsively (leader reads even-numbered verses and group reads odd-numbered verses together).

Individually - Sing This is My Father’s World hymn to worship God for His creation.

Outwardly - Share with someone this week about how you see God’s goodness in His creation. 

City Church