January 25-29, 2021

Discipleship Group Guide - James 3

Ice Breaker: Describe your best/worst pet.  What made that pet best/worst?

Knowing Self   

Bible Reading- James 3

James contrasts human speech/words with God’s wisdom. 

  1. How do you go about training pet(s)?

  2. Why is training/taming our tongues/speech so difficult?  What is the root motivation for our speech?

  3. Is there any hope for our worthless speech?  Why or why not?

Knowing God

  1. Contrast God’s wisdom (3:15-17) with human speech (3:1-12).

  2. What does this teach about God and His character?

Jesus is the Wisdom from above (17) and good fruits flow from His presence in our lives.

Knowing How to Respond

Group Response: Where have unwise words of your tongue hurt those around you this week?  Confess that to someone in your group.

Personal Response: Train your tongue to help and heal those around you this week.  Memorize 1 verse (James 3:17, James 3:18, Ephesians 4:29) OR Pray for God’s goodness and grace to flow from your tongue in the week ahead.

Outward Response: 

James 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

  • Who needs to hear the truth of James 3:17 from you this week?

City Church