January 9-15, 2022

Discipleship Group Guide

Read- Galatians 5:16-26

Know the Word

  1. What does this text teach us about the gospel, and in what ways should it lead us to love Jesus more?  

  2. What is the flesh?

  3. How do flesh and Spirit interact in this text? What do you think God’s purpose was in letting both the flesh and the Spirit be at work in us? 

  4. What role does faith play in the battle between flesh and Spirit?

Know Ourselves

  1. How have you found yourself struggling most against the flesh recently? Is there anything keeping you from crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires (v24)?  

  2. Based on this text, what could you say to your flesh when it tempts you? What truth can you use to fight against it? 


Know How to Respond

Individually - The way to win the war against the flesh isn’t to produce the fruit of the Spirit, you can’t produce the fruit, that’s the Spirit’s job. The way to win the war is to trust that what Jesus accomplished and what He taught was sufficient to address every sin and situation. Consider the areas where you’re most tempted by the flesh, ask yourself, “Can I trust Jesus in that?” Then pray and ask God to help you trust Christ in those specific areas.     

City Church