July 26-30, 2021

 Discipleship Group Guide

Bible Reading- Haggai 2:20-23

Know God

  1. Read Jeremiah 22:24-25, then reread Haggai 2:23 and restate them in your own words. What is God saying through these images? (Context: Coniah, mentioned in Jeremiah 22:24, is Jechoniah, mentioned in Matthew 1:11) 

  2. A signet is a depiction of authority, it could be initials, a coat of arms, a motto, etc. By placing the image of your signet on something, you are not only showing your support for it but you are promising to do everything you can to see the thing you’ve sealed come to fruition. God’s signet is the son of David (v23). By making him His signet, God was declaring that He was going to accomplish His purpose by the son of David. What do you think is the Christian signet, what symbol or mark is to characterize our lives? How does that inform the way we are to accomplish God’s purpose? 

Know Ourselves

  1. To be kingless is to live in danger, it leaves you vulnerable with no true power or authority over you. In what area(s) of your life do you most want to live in a “kingless” way? How have you seen God show up to protect you from that reality? 

  2. To be fit for a throne, God employs a challenging pattern, the pattern is cross then crown, grave then glory. Zerubbabel worked hard, he became the signet, and yet he didn’t become king. According to Hebrews 1:3, Jesus was the true signet, yet He also didn’t become an earthly king. Instead He came to die, and by dying He proved His fitness for the throne, and God raised Him up and gave Him the throne of heaven. Remember, in Christ, you are children of God (John 1:12). How is God preparing you to one day sit with Jesus on His throne? What crosses or graves do you first need to endure for God to make you ready? 

Know How to Respond

As a Group - Remind one another that God’s promise is to make all of His children just like Jesus. Then pray for one another, that God would kindly and gently carry you all through crosses and graves with faith, and then pray for sure hope to help you set your eyes on the promises to come. 

City Church