Week of July 3, 2022

Discipleship Group Guide

Scripture: 1 John 2:18-29

  • Open with prayer

  • How would you summarize verses 18-29 in your own words?

  • Why is verse 20 significant? Consider how it relates to the gnostic beliefs of John’s day. What are modern day examples of gnosticism, and how should verse 20 help you think about them?

  • How should we think about “antichrist”, why is it not the scary doomsday image many tend to imagine?

  • In what ways does John mention abiding? Who/what is abiding in what/ whom?

  • John says, “let what you heard from the beginning abide in you”. What does this look like? How can we be sure that we are abiding? What does verse 28 say abiding will produce?

  • What is the Trinity doing in these verses? How do we see the Father, Son, and Spirit in action?

  • In the face of lies and deceivers, why does John point to the promise of eternal life (v25)? How does that help when confronted with these hardships? Are there lies you’ve been listening to, if so, how does the promise of eternal life speak to those?

  • How do these verses help you worship and follow Jesus?

  • Close with prayer

City Church