This Week in Kid City | April 20

Hi Kid City!

Today we learned that God is always with us! After Jesus rose from the dead, he eventually went back home with God the Father to prepare a place for you and me! This week, let’s continue to learn what it means that God is always with us and that he never leaves us even though his physical body is no longer with us.

Below is a list of activities that you can engage your little one throughout the week. It will also be posted to Instagram (@fwcitychurchkids) and Facebook (City Church Kids).

Read With Us– “Going Home” in the Jesus Storybook Bible, page 318

Main Truth: God is ALWAYS with us!

Bible Verse: “Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life” – John 14:6

Link to full lesson here:

Prayer Activity– This week let’s be intentional in prayer as we pray for our loved ones, those who are suffering or are sick, for leaders making big decisions for our city and country, and for the whole world that God created. We just read about how Jesus left the earth to go up toward the clouds to join God the Father in Heaven. This week, let’s make a prayer cloud to help remind us that we can always pray to God any time of the day! 

Supplies needed for Prayer Cloud:

  • Construction paper

  • Scissors 

  • Glue stick

  • Marker or something to write with

Directions to make Prayer Cloud:

  • Cut out a cloud shape out of white construction paper

  • Cut 5 strips of paper out of construction paper about an inch thick (your choice of color)

  • Cut hearts out of construction paper small enough to fit on the strips of paper and big enough to write names on

  • Write names of people or types of people you are praying for this week on the hearts and then glue them to the strips of paper. Some people you may include on your hearts are, friends and family, those sick and suffering, those who are helping on the frontlines, our leaders who are making big decisions, and for healing over the whole world that God created!

Each day of the week (M-F) you can look at one strip of paper and pray for the people and names on the hearts.

Activity– Picnic Outside

Pack a picnic and sit outside with your little ones. While you eat, ask them to look up to the clouds. What do they see? Remind them of the story we read on Sunday how Jesus went up toward the clouds to be with God the Father. Remind them that Jesus is preparing a place for them to join him in heaven one day! Rest in the moment and remember together the HOPE we have in Jesus and his promises.

Sing & Dance– Let’s turn on our City Church Kids Playlist and make homemade Kazoos while we praise God that he is ALWAYS with us!!

Link to Spotify Playlist

Supplies needed for homemade Kazoo

  • Paper towel roll or toilet paper roll

  • Wax paper

  • Rubber band

  • Washable paints (optional)

Directions for making homemade Kazoo

  • Paint cardboard tube with washable paint and let dry (optional)

  • Cut a piece of wax paper to cover one side of cardboard roll (can also try parchment paper or plastic wrap to make different sounds)

  • Wrap wax paper and secure with rubber band on one side of cardboard roll 

  • Use a sharp object to punch 3 holes down the side of the cardboard roll

Have your little one hum or say, “do” over and over again to get the kazoo sound (may take a few tries to get the hang of it!)

Love Your Neighbor– Flowers for a neighbor

Go on a nature walk around your neighborhood and gather some flowers. Create a small bouquet and leave it on a neighbor’s doorstep. You can even leave an encouraging note along with the flowers to let them know you are thinking of them!

MemoryVerse– “Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life” – John 14:6

Hand Motions:

Jesus said – hands around your mouth 

I am the way – hands trace back and forth creating a path

The truth – one hand in the shape of a fist on top of the other hand that is flat

And the life – both arms start in the center and extend out in a circular motion

City Church