This Week in Kid City | June 22

Hi Kid City!

This week we are continuing to learn about how God is love. We learned about Abraham and how God loves Abraham and he loves YOU too! 

Below is a list of activities that you can engage your little one throughout the week. It will also be posted to Instagram (@fwcitychurchkids) and Facebook (City Church Kids). 

Read With Us: “God’s Big Promise” on page 67 of the Big Picture Story Bible 

Main Truth: God is love

Bible Verse: “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love endures forever” – Psalm 136:1 

Prayer Activity– Prayer Walk! Go outside with your little one and explore the outdoors with them. Encourage them to pray to God with you. Focus on how God is love. He loves us and he loves the creation that surrounds us, because he created it all! You can also give thanks to God for his good creation you see around you and for the good gifts he has given you. Allow your little one to hear your prayers, and prompt your little one to allow them to practice talking to God! 

Activity– Coffee filter craft! You will need coffee filters, washable markers and a spray bottle of water. You or your little one can draw an outline of a heart on a coffee filter. Let your child color it in however they want to! Next, spray the coffee filter with water and watch the colors spread and grow on the coffee filter. Make as many as you’d like – you can string them together to make a banner or hang them around your house! Let them be a reminder for you and your family this week that God is love and he loves you!

Memory Verse– “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love endures forever” – Psalm 136:1

Liz Rech